我校在本學年邀請了 iSE 特殊教育需要融合運動學院 來校培訓有特殊學習需要的小學學生,活動是全年在周六早上一小時的體育活動,我們命名為喜動籃兒,顧名思義,是教孩子會打籃球。但,這是個非一般的籃球訓練,「醉翁之意不在酒」,在乎發展孩子的專注力、合作性、抗逆力;也包括團隊精神和體育精神。這一班共16人,四位導師加一位總導師。他們很有責任感,專業有耐性,循循善教,每周來校,準時到校作準備。我當校長已逾二十年,這團隊是Outstanding的,我毫無保留地推薦他們,願香港有更多學生可得到他們的指導,固執、衝動、自我中心的性格得到改善。
Dr. F.C. Nicol PanSenior Consultant, Inclusion, Quality of Education and Research, UNESCO Kabul
The Inspiring Journey of iSE
UNESCO believes that every learner matters equally. “An inclusive approach to education means that each individual’s needs are taken into account and that all learners participate and achieve together. It acknowledges that all children can learn and that every child has unique characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs.”
iSE has been established with the aim to provide quality sports education to children with special educational needs. The ultimate goal is to build their confidence, self-esteem and social emotional well-being. And to do that, raising the awareness about the importance of inclusive education among educational practitioners, and the training of professionals and teachers is paramount in the success of making inclusive education a reality in Hong Kong. I am inspired to see iSE’s professionalism and dedication reflected by their persistence in creating quality programs in both areas. This has also motivated me to provide continuous consultation support to their current and future projects. I look forward to seeing them grow stronger and more innovative as an educational organization.
“ Inclusive education seeks to address the learning needs of all children, with a specific focus on those who are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion. The goal is to promote opportunities for all children to participate and be treated equally. ”